Union Telecom Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia announced on Wednesday that the government is focused on transforming India Post into a logistics powerhouse, with a target to increase the department’s revenue by 50-60% over the next 3-4 years. Speaking at the Public Affairs Forum of India event in New Delhi, Scindia highlighted the significant strides being made in rural connectivity, revealing that about 25,000 villages currently without mobile networks will be connected by next year.

India Post is advancing rapidly. Today, our annual turnover stands at approximately Rs 12,000 crore. My goal is to raise this by 50-60% within the next 3-4 years,said Scindia.

The minister emphasized that India Post has the capacity to bring essential services to the doorsteps of people in rural and remote areas. He also stressed the need for the postal department to evolve beyond its traditional mail and letter services, aiming to transform into a comprehensive logistics provider.

We must shift from being just a mail and letter business to a logistics company. This requires us to focus on route optimization and explore multiple sources for transporting our services,Scindia stated.

Touching on infrastructure development in the Northeast, Scindia revealed that the government is heavily investing in the region, with Rs 48,000 crore allocated for road network improvements.

Additionally, Scindia pointed out that around 6,000 villages in the Northeast and 25,000 across India still lack mobile towers. He assured that through the Universal Service Obligation (USO) Fund, mobile networks will be established in all these villages by mid-next year, ensuring that no village in the country will remain without mobile connectivity.

The minister’s remarks underscore the government’s broader vision to enhance connectivity and elevate India Post’s role in the nation’s logistics and communications infrastructure.