General Sales and Services Agents (GSSAs) have a crucial impact on the expansion and progress of the air cargo industry. Their role has evolved beyond being solely sales and marketing agents responsible for selling air cargo space. Airlines are now seeking entities that can oversee the complete spectrum of air cargo business operations.

GSSAs are involved in a variety of functions, including field and market studies, research and consulting, sales, customer service tasks, space management, cargo loading and flight planning, as well as operational support. Their multifaceted roles and commitment to innovation ensure that they continue to drive growth and efficiency, positioning the industry for a prosperous and sustainable future.

Apace Digital Cargo interviews prominent players in the GSSA industry to discuss the evolving landscape of GSSA in the air cargo sector. They delve into topics such as digitalisation, sustainability, expansion strategies, and the industry’s future outlook.

In a special interview, Abhishek Goyal, Executive Director, Aeroprime Group sees immense opportunities in the growth of cargo GSSA market in India through a digital-first customer-centric approach, data driven analysis, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to innovation. Here are the excerpts from his interview – 

Perception on Evolving Landscape of GSSA in Air Cargo Industry: –

The cargo GSSA market in India is evolving rapidly, driven by increasing demand for air cargo services, advancements in technology, and changing customer expectations.

Further, the rise of e-commerce is also shaping the market dynamics. Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on sustainability, prompting the industry to adopt greener practices and technologies. 

At Aeroprime, we see these changes as opportunities to innovate and enhance our services, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our customers with greater emphasis on innovation, efficiency, and reliability within the industry.

Expansion and Marketing Strategy of Aeroprime Group:-

We are committed to expanding our footprint and enhancing our market presence through strategic partnerships and innovative marketing approaches. Our strategies particularly include:

  • Strategic partnerships: We are forming alliances with key industry players, global airlines, technology partners etc., to strengthen our market position and reach new customer segments.
  • Geographical Expansion: Aeroprime is actively exploring opportunities to enter new markets and increase our presence in existing ones. Aeroprime is now present in more than 10 countries through its own offices and joint partnerships. Our global network is assisting us in leveraging the local contacts, local expertise in offering our airline partners best in the class services and with the most updated information.
  • Brand visibility and awareness: We are further leveraging digital platforms to increase brand visibility and engage with our audience. Our marketing efforts include social media campaigns, thought leadership articles, trade partnerships and participation in key industry events and trade shows.
  • Adapting to Industry Trends: Technology is at the core of everything that we do at Aeroprime. So here, we are actively integrating digitalisation in our operations to enhance efficiency and provide real-time solutions to our clients. Some of these include the implementation of automation of the cargo booking process, the use of data analytics to evaluate market demand and accordingly offering optimal prices, and to improve revenues for our partner airlines.

Aeroprime Group has become the new-age leader in the air cargo sector through the use of data driven analytics and technology, delivering exceptional value to our clients and contributing to the growth of the industry.

Competitive Environment & the Future Outlook: –

The competitive environment in the cargo GSSA market is intense, with several players striving to offer superior services. Aeroprime distinguishes itself through a digital-first customer-centric approach, data driven analysis, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to innovation. Looking ahead, we plan to:

  •     Enhance Service Offerings: Continuously improve our service quality and expand our portfolio of airlines partners to meet diverse customer needs.
  •     Invest in Technology: Further investing in cutting-edge technologies to streamline operations, enhance transparency, and provide real-time solutions to our clients.
  •     Global Partnerships: Increasing the global footprint by opening more offices and doing joint ventures with the leading local players to offer the local insights to our partners.